Read all the latest news about Pepijn van Houwelingen
Unbelievable: the biggest bosses of the supposedly neutral World Health Organization, led by their globalist Marxist leader T...
The crackpot BNNVARA has called FVD Member of Parliament (he is temporarily back from absence) Pepijn van Houwelingen "conspi...
Forum for Democracy appears, for the umpteenth time, to be a movement of, for and by friends and like-minded people, rather t...
FVD MP Pepijn van Houwelingen has achieved success in the fight against the controversial WHO treaty, known for its infringem...
A remarkable tweet by Pepijn van Houwelingen, Member of Parliament for Forum for Democracy (FVD), recently sparked the dorman...
Forum for Democracy Member of Parliament Pepijn van Houwelingen is one of the most active members as far as enforcing transpa...
In Unheard News, Pepijn van Houwelingen, MP for Forum for Democracy (FVD), is deeply concerned about the financial situation...
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