Party at the media! Hyper-left Dilan Yesilgöz really succeeds Mark Rutte as VVD's list leader

Party at the media! Hyper-left Dilan Yesilgöz really succeeds Mark Rutte as VVD's list leader

Oh, what a surprise! The VVD has finally found its new "lifesaver." And who might that be? None other than the political heavyweight (note the irony) Dilan Yesilgöz. Yes, you read correctly. The party once led by the indestructible Mark Rutte now has Yesilgöz as its official successor. It looks like the VVD is going down a new path ... or maybe not?

It was an exciting race, with other VVD members having until yesterday to apply and knock Yesilgöz off her throne. But wait, was there really a race? André Bosman made a brief attempt, but soon withdrew. Maybe the pressure was too much, or maybe he just realized he was facing a "legend."

Now that Yesilgöz is the official list leader, we can prepare for an election campaign in which the VVD poses as the party of right-wing Holland. But let's face it, after the elections on Nov. 22, it will probably be business as usual. Like Rutte, Yesilgöz will probably move quickly to the left and go hand in hand with the left-wing parties that the traditional VVD constituency dislikes so much.

So for the next few months we are going to hear from Yesilgöz that immigration really needs to be limited, that the government really needs to print less, that inflation really needs to come down, and that the LGBT madness is really going too far... But after November 22 she will make a hard turn on all these issues and she will - I predict it now! - be in a coalition with PvdA-GroenLinks if at all possible.

(Article continues below this call) At DDS we understand that the VVD and Yesilgöz absolutely cannot be trusted. So during the election campaign we are going to follow them hard and critically. But this means we need your help, because the party and media cartel punishes critical media like DDS very harshly. So support us! Donate to DDS via BackMe and help us expose the VVD every day!

Everyone sees this happening over and over again. But VVD voters apparently think it's fine. They let it happen, election after election, and seem more concerned about one thing: whether they themselves will survive somewhat economically. As long as that is the case, the fate of others - and of the country in general - will be of no concern to them.

It is deeply sad to see how the VVD is evolving. But on the other hand, if VVD voters still vote for this party, despite everything that has happened, then perhaps they deserve this outcome. After all, it is their choice. And as the old saying goes, "You get what you deserve."

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