Geert Wilders files CDA anti-democrat Henri Bontenbal: 'For spreading law, against PVV'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Geert Wilders files CDA anti-democrat Henri Bontenbal: 'For spreading law, against PVV'

Geert Wilders does not like the fact that the brand new leader of the CDA, Henri Bontenbal, has already excluded the PVV from forming a coalition. But he does not really care. Wilders is convinced that this strategy will cost the CDA more seats than it will bring in.

Last night Bontenbal was allowed to advertise himself and his party on Nieuwsuur for free and for nothing. Oh, how welcome he was there! The 'fresh wind' of the CDA! A "physicist! A wonderfully interesting man, very intelligent, and pro-climate too!

In the broadcast, Bontenbal immediately had a message for PVV voters and FVD voters: his CDA will not cooperate with those two parties after the 2023 House of Representatives elections on November 22. Not in an ordinary, traditional coalition and not even in a tolerated construction.

Geert Wilders has now responded to this to The Daily Standard. And no, he's not happy about it ... but it must be said that he is not too impressed with it either. Wilders finds it all too crazy for words.... and is convinced - rightly of course - that this strategy will ultimately destroy the CDA.

"I understand that Mr. Bontenbal is in favor of the spread/force asylum seekers law but against cooperation with the PVV," Wilders said. "I wonder how many seats the CDA - because that's where he belongs, right? - is going to gain from this brilliant strategy."

Wilders refers in his response to an ánother statement made by Bontenbal on Nieuwsuur last night. Namely, he said not only that PVV and FVD are excluded by the CDA, but also that he is in favor of the spreading bill.

This law was concocted by the party cartel and - once approved by the House of Representatives - is going to force municipalities to take in asylum seekers. Don't those municipalities want that? Do the residents have no appetite for it at all? Never mind. The Hague bangs its fist on the table.

(Article continues below this call) At DDS, we are CLOSED with the CDA AND understand that the 2023 House of Representatives elections are the most important elections of our lives. Help us expose types like Henri Bontenbal. Support us! Donate to DDS via BackMe!

So Bontenbal is in favor of that crazy plan...

Of course, the chances of this producing anything positive for the CDA are nil. Bontenbal thus proves to be exactly the same kind of politician as Hugo de Jonge and Wopke Hoekstra; the two men who expertly demolished the CDA in recent years.

The same will happen with Bontenbal. The media can promote him all they want.... but it won't have a positive effect. Because voters are done with these kinds of positions of the CDA. That they put a "fresh" new leader there is completely irrelevant.

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