The foreman of the Farmers Defense Force, Mark van den Oever, says he and his allies are considering setting up a political party. Farmers are apparently unhappy with the attitude of Caroline van der Plas, on whom many of them had placed their hopes anyway. Tonight, FDF will make a decision on the matter.
In a video he posted on YouTube, Van den Oever explains his reasoning. "There are possibilities open now, anyone can start a party. I can't make any further statements about it yet. We will first discuss all options with our members," Van den Oever said.
Van den Oever begins by stating that there has been a big vacancy in The Hague and that they are very happy about it. But this does not mean that FDF is suddenly confident that things will work out. No, during the vacations they consulted with each other, and they concluded that there are some possibilities.
They will discuss these options with the ALV tonight at 8 p.m.. The course regarding the 2023 House of Representatives elections will be decided there then. "It's an important meeting," says Van den Oever. "This time it's really about our future."
Of course, this means that BBB has simply fallen by the wayside for these passionate farmers, who at their core are the backbone of the peasant protest movement. For Van der Plas, that must be serious cause for concern. Yes, she can now count on a good number of non-farmer sympathizers and voters. That's true. But any party that forgets its own old supporters is ultimately doomed.
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Still, it is striking that FDF might want to do this. After all, Forum for Democracy is already right behind farmers and has the same farmer/nitrogen position that an FDF party will have. So why don't you just support that existing party then? Because you are afraid of some controversy? This whole issue is one big controversy!
In short, FDF does not need to create a party at all. There is already a great choice. At the same time, though, it would be hilarious again because it proves that BBB is losing its peasant constituency altogether.
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