Dutch shopkeepers are furious and completely finished with increasing shoplifting: "It can't go on like this!"

Dutch shopkeepers are furious and completely finished with increasing shoplifting: "It can't go on like this!"

Dutch retailers are furious and completely fed up with the increasing number of shoplifting cases. Branch organization INretail is calling for a strict national government policy and is already in talks with the Ministry ofJustice and Security about this. "It can't go on like this," a spokesperson says.

Jumbo annually loses over 100 million euros, about 1 percent of sales, due to shoplifting. Based on previous research, INretail estimates that the damage for the entire retail sector is heading towards 2 billion euros. The number of reports also shows that shoplifting is on the rise.

The counter stood at 41,000 shoplifting incidents after just 10 months. This number has not been this high since 2014, and that does not yet include December's figures. INretail does not think the increase has one cause. It could have to do with a lower number of cops on the street, according to the spokesperson. "Or has people's morality changed? In any case, it is not only caused by the self-serve checkouts, although that does play a role."

(Article continues below this call) At DDS, we are CLOSED with these kinds of games. We want REAL solutions and to SAVE our country. Do you feel the same way? SUPPORT US! Donate to DDS via BackMe and help us make a fist against the cartelists who deliberately ignore the will of the Dutch people.

Nobody seems to name the elephant in the room. The fact that countlessasylum seekers are crammed into AZCs and are therefore robbing the neighborhood is conveniently overlooked. Shopkeepers takeextra security measures to protect their businesses, or worse: they stop them. That INretail cannot or will not make this connection is telling. Of course the police capacity is inadequate, as was evident at the turn of the year. But the growing number of people misbehaving and needing enforcement is out of control and untenable.

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Immigration Crime

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