New-New Zealand government says 'no' to draconian smoking ban

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

New-New Zealand government says 'no' to draconian smoking ban

Winds flapping progressive wings! The new government in New Zealand is hitting the brakes hard on the planned smoking ban, which received huge applause from particularly fanatical health puritans. No days of celebrations in the progressive camp, then!

The plan, a brainchild of former prime minister and progressive heroine Jacinda Ardern, intended to completely curb smoking for anyone born after 2008. A draconian measure? You may say so! All over the world, this "milestone" was celebrated - including in our own stiflingly progressive Netherlands.

But New Zealand's new conservative prime minister, Christopher Luxon, is resolutely saying "no, mate!" to this smoking ban. Reason: he has no intention of paying himself completely blue on black-market cigarettes and seeing millions in taxpayer money evaporate message the NOS. Luxon here shows that he has both feet on the ground - something Ardern and her clique could learn from. This while the aforementioned critics already have their coloring sheets and tears at the ready.

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It seems that common sense is finally starting to prevail again in New Zealand. Time for that wind to blow hard here, too, isn't it? Who wants to be a second-class country, slavishly following the 'New World Order' fantasies of over-ambitious 'do-gooders'? After all, a government should not interfere, but let the people choose for themselves! Isn't that the definition of freedom that we so eagerly cling to?

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