Crunchy! Shell wants to cooperate with climate terrorists of Extinction Rebellion and Environmental Defense

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Crunchy! Shell wants to cooperate with climate terrorists of Extinction Rebellion and Environmental Defense

Shell Netherlands CEO Frans Everts has apparently completely lost his way. In a baffling twist, he wants Shell, the oil and gas company that forms the backbone of our energy supply, to join forces with the radical environmentalists of Extinction Rebellion and Milieudefensie. His reasoning? That they all have the same goal: no more CO2 emissions by 2050 writes the Telegraph. But this is a capitulation of common sense and realism.

Imagine an energy giant like Shell having coffee with a mob that would prefer to shut down all oil and gas production tomorrow. Everts seems to have forgotten that we are still massively dependent on oil and gas. And then he arrives with wind and solar energy, as if that can magically fulfill our energy needs. Don't forget that all the wind turbines were down yesterday because of storm Henk. What nonsense! We cannot change our entire energy supply in the blink of an eye.

Extinction Rebellion, with their infamous blockades and unrealistic demands, of course immediately rejects Shell's offer it obviously doesn't go far enough. This is the world upside down: Shell, suddenly now pretending to be the green savior by cooperating with those who despise them most. XR and Environmental Defense will not rest until fossil fuels are no longer subsidized by the government. Shell now seems to think keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer. This is a miscalculation with terrorists is non-negotiable for them it is all or nothing.

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This is a sham, a PR stunt by Shell to put itself in a better light. Who is ultimately the child of the bill again? The hardworking Dutchman! They will ultimately pay for the higher energy costs and the economic chaos that follows this green madness. Shell, wake up and return to reality!

Read more about:
Netherlands Shell Oil

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